Kuulin talvella Fustrasta ja vihdoin pääsin
kokeilemaan lajia ja olen aivan myyty lajista ja sen tuomista

Suosittelen jokaikiselle ratsastajalle tätä
laji. Halpaa se ei ole, mutta käykää näytetunnilla jonka hinta on 35e ja
kokeilkaa ja ihastukaa. Itse olen päättänyt että tämä laji tulee oheislajiksi,
mutta aloitan tekemällä liikkeitä kotona parhaimpani mukaan kunnes selvitän
mistä tähän saisi taloudellisen tuen.
Lisä tietoa:
(Fustra Finaldin sivut, Fustrasta
tarkempaa tietoa)
(Harjoittelu paikkoja Fustralle)
Jopa lapsille on liikuntaa ja lastenhuone.
Even for children they have sport and a playroom
Even for children they have sport and a playroom
Fustra- training

In winter time I heard about fustra and
finally I was able to try it out, and I am absolutely sold that its a perfect sport
on the side of riding. I went to Varisto Forever fitness club for a
introduction class, where the amazing and positive personal trainer Cathrine
Qvickström kept the class for me. In this
training form they work strongly together with the personal trainer,
because body control is everything in everything. So the instructors follow the
athletes posture and movements all the time and corrects errors immediately. In
this sport they mainly work with the own bodyweight and the purpose is to learn
to control and use your own resources. It is not enough just to tense the
muscle, but the purpose is to find all the power in the muscle and then lern to
use it. Although we didin´t use weights, except in one movement, inredible 5kg,
my muscles were still feeling sore the next day and I knew I had been training
well. The day after the class it was amazing to ride, because I really had the
feeling of how to use the different muscles in my core and blades, and how to
ceep the write position altogether. I do abdominal workout and jog at least a
few times a week, but the training is more overall training and I do quite big
movements and long holds when doing corea training. And in this case muscle
tension, compression and relaxation is actually not a part of the movement in
the same way as it is in fustra. And this is actually the difference that makes
it possible for us to learn how to control our body the way we want while
I recommend fustra for every rider. It is
expensive, but please take a sample class thats price is 35e (in Finalnd) and
try it out and get excited. I have decided that this sport will become one of
the sports I do to support my riding. But I will start by doing the movements
at home the beast way I can, until I can find some economical support for this.
Chech out the links above, under the finnish
text, for more information. Youtube gives good videos and infromation about
this amazing fustra!
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