Mielentila ratsastettaessa
Ratsastettaessa mielentilamme tulee olla
rauhallinen ja keskittynyt. Jos olemme stressaantuneita, jännitämme tai
pelkäämme suoritusta niin apujen antaminen ja yhteistyö hevosen kanssa
vaikeutuu. Tämä johtuu siitä, että hevonen aistii meidän tunnetilat ja kehon
jännittyneisyyden ja koska hevonen ottaa ympäristöstään vaikutteita kuten
ihmisetkin, ovat nämä ne tunteet jotka hevoseen tarttuu. Aivan kuten ihmisenkin
on vaikeampi toimia tällaisten tunteiden kanssa, niin on hevosellakin. Ympäristöllämme
on vaikutusta omiin ajatuksiimme ja tunteisiimme, mutta kun puhumme hevosista,
niin hevoset on monta monta tuhatta kertaa herkempiä aistimaan ympäristöään.

Nautinnollisia ratsastus hetkiä kaikille!
State of mind while riding
While riding our state of mind should be calm
and focused. If we are stressed, nervous or afraid of what we are doing, it
will be more difficult to give orders and to collaborate with the horse. This
happens because horses sens easily our mood and the tension in our body. And
cause the horse takes influens from its surroundings just like we humans also
do, the horse will end up having these unplesent feelings we are having. Just like we have a more difficult time
working under feelings like this, so those the horse. Our surroundings has an
impact on our own thoughts and feelings, but when we talk about horses they are
thousends and thousends of times more sensitive to sens the surrounding.
Make sure you get ride of your worries,
tension and feelings of fear as good as you can, before you go to the stable. When you do this your horse will be
healthier because it dosent have to feel your difficult feelings and worries.
Your riding will also be much easier because your horse is able to listen to
you much better and you will also be able to sense your surrounding and horse
more easlily. During practice many
things are effecting our mind and mood, so when we start with a calm mind we
have a better grownd and starting point to
adjust these feelings that accour during the training. So remember to respect
your horse, trust your self and go to the stable calmn and knowing that you
Enjoyable riding moments for all of you!
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